Famous & Celebs Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Famous & Celebs terminology and jargon:



007James Bond
A RodAlex Rodriguez
AAApache Anne
AAAlan Alexander
AAAiven Andrians
AAArnold Arboretum
AAFAAntique Americana Folk Art
AAWAdolph A. Weinman, sculptor and coin designer
ABAngela Brant
ABAnnie Besant
ABAllan Border
ABAmerico Bartholomew
ABDAmerican Born Desi
ABEAbraham Lincoln
ACAnne Cameron
ACAlvin Crawford
ACAlan Cox
ACAlbert Champion
ACCArthur C. Clarke
ACMArthur C. Mills
ACMAntonio Carlos Magalhaes
ACRAlvah C. Roebuck (of Sears, Roebuck, and Company)
ACYAlvin C. York
ADAndrew Darnall
ADIDASAdolph (Adi) Dassler

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