Unix Acronyms

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unix terminology and jargon:



*Wild Card in searches
.Current directory
..Parent directory
?Place holder for a single character
adbAdvanced DeBugger
AELArcom Embedded Linux
AGLAutomotive Grade Linux
AHLUAssociation of Hungarian Linux Users
ALARAzure Linux Auto Repair
ALEAtlanta Linux Enthusiasts
ALFSAutomated Linux From Scratch
ALIGNAllgemeine Linux Interessenten Gruppe Nurernberg
ALISArch Linux Install Script
ALPAccess Linux Platform
ALSAAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALUGAachener Linux User Group (Germany)
ALUGAnglian Linux User Group
ALUGAmarillo Linux Users Group (Amarillo, TX)
ALUGAlmaty Linux User Group
ALUGAppalachian Linux Users Group
ALUGAltay Linux User Group (Barnaul, Russian Federation)
APUEAdvanced Programming in the Unix Environment

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