Unions Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unions terminology and jargon:



AAAHAustralian Association for Adolescent Health
AAMSUAll Assam Manipuri Students Union
AAMSUAll Assam Minorities Students Union
AAMSUAll Assam Moran Students Union
AAMSUAll Assam Manipuri Student Union
AANHAviation Association of New Hampshire
AAPLAfro-American Patrolmen's League
AArCArchitectural Artisans Collaborative
AASUAsian American Student Union
AASUAll Assam Students Union
AASUAfrican American Students Union
AAUAmature Athletic Union
AAUAmerican Athletic Union
AAUAllgemeine Arbeiter Union
AAUAmateur Athletics Union
AAUAmateur Athlete Union
AAUAmeteur Athletic Union
AAUDAllgemeine Arbeiter Union Deutschlands
AAUDAghunato Areami Union Dimapur
AAWGAlgonquin Area Writer's Group
AAWUAfrican American Workers Union
AAWUAll Afghan Women Union
ABEUAir Botswana Employees' Union
ABFSUAll Burma Federation of Student Unions
ABFSUAll Burma Federation of Students Union

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